In March 2020, Ecuador entered a period of confinement due to the pandemic caused by Covid-19 that at that time began to hit the whole world, the economy fell, industries stopped and education faced a challenge for which it did not It was prepared that led it to change the entire educational system and advance to the digital age, classrooms were changed for spaces inside houses, desks for improvised tables and chairs, few were prepared to face such a situation.
In rural areas of Ecuador, the arrival of the pandemic intensified the inequality that exists in education and made visible the scarce resources that these sectors have to face a new educational process. According to data obtained from the Ministry of Education, only 16% of rural sectors have access to digital media such as the internet or a cell phone that sometimes does not supply the numerous families. For this reason, the Ministry of Education, together with private organizations, implemented a pedagogical support program that aims to improve the quality of education in primary schools in rural areas. To achieve this objective, teachers and parents play a very important role, since they are in charge of supervising the tasks carried out by children, this situation also worries parents because many of them did not finish primary education.
The teachers, for their part, have adapted learning cards according to the level of each student and go from house to house handing them out to students who cannot access digital resources. Accompaniment in this stage is essential since in elementary school students learn basic tools that will be useful for the rest of their lives, such as learning to read, write, and understand or mathematical operations.
The pandemic that appeared in 2019 and arrived in Ecuador in March 2020 destabilized the education of many nations and although Ecuador could not be the exception thanks to this pandemic, the most vulnerable sectors have raised their voices denoting the deficiencies and needs that they must be cared for so that no child is left without an education.
“The most generous act that one human being can give to another is the opportunity to educate themselves and conquer books that will lead them to fulfill their dreams.”
For the development and execution of this and other programs, the collaboration of people or professionals willing to help in the educational development of rural schools by sharing their knowledge virtually or in person is very well received, if you are interested in knowing how you can help you can contact us at email: [email protected] or visit our website
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