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Why do rural schools need more attention?

In the month of September 2021, the schools and colleges of the Highlands and Amazon regions of Ecuador returned to the classrooms in a hybrid way after a year and a half of being in the online mode. Due to the long time in which the educational institutions remained closed and without maintenance, the shortcomings and the most pressing needs of schools and colleges in rural areas have been visualized, which due to their precarious conditions have suffered greater damage due to their neglect.

The current situation of rural schools is not a problem that concerns at this time but is the result of the deterioration of the years, according to the data issued by the Ministry of Education of Ecuador to date of 12,383 educational institutions only 2,136 are found in optimal conditions to be occupied by students, resulting in that most of the educational population does not have the adequate infrastructure to receive classes, to which it must be added that most rural schools do not have enough teachers to teach the educational population, in addition, the technological equipment that these institutions have are null or scarce, to this situation must also be added the child malnutrition suffered by the majority of children who attend rural schools, this could be evidenced thanks to the Health and Nutrition Survey carried out by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) where the data shows how it has worsened during the pandemic. According to a World Bank study, a malnourished child has less chance of finding a decent job since his learning is slower, his physical development is below normal ranges and in the end this brings as a consequence a setback in the economy of a country.

The Fundación Educativa Superior, thanks to its commitment to the educational development of indigenous communities located in rural areas of Ecuador and its cooperation with volunteers and members of the global network in solidarity with Ecuador’s education, has developed aid programs for these vulnerable educational institutions. Among the cooperation options we have volunteer programs to teach English or another foreign language, volunteer teachers, volunteer teaching assistants, we also have active members affiliated to the global network in solidarity with Ecuador’s education who contribute financially to the educational development of these children, we also receive donations which help to purchase technological equipment, maintenance of the school infrastructure, payment to teachers and providers, adequate school meals that collaborate with the eradication of chronic malnutrition in the most needy areas of Ecuador.

Many small people, in small places, doing small things can change the world.” Eduardo Galeano.

The educational development of each child represents a better future for a whole family, many of the children who go to these schools carry on their shoulders the responsibility of helping in the support of their family members, providing them with a better future with new technological and educational opportunities will allow that in the future the next students of the rural schools will not have to go through the same precarious conditions, that is why we invite you to join the community of volunteers and become a teacher of kindergarten, elementary schools, colleges, universities or teach languages ​​in any of the institutions allied to our organization, you can also be a member of the global network in solidarity with Ecuador’s education, or make your donation through our website.

If you are interested in contributing within one of our programs, get in contact with us.

Valeria ISE